Coyote Calling Tips - Part 1

So you want to call coyotes? Well that makes me happy because I love to call them and I love teaching others to call them too. Here's a few coyote calling tips I've learned over the past 20 years of hunting these incredibly smart predators.

Compound Saw

Pre-Hunt Scouting Will Greatly Increase Your Success

Compound Saw

Probably one of the biggest problems I hear about when someone goes coyote calling is that they never see anything when calling. My question to them is "Is There Any Coyote Sign Where You Are Hunting?"

#1 answer I get is "I don't know." 

Just like any other type of hunting one needs to do some scouting before going out to call a coyote or any other type of predator. You can't call one if he's not there can you?

So here's a routine I follow when I am scouting new areas to hunt. And keep in mind I do this several days before I plan to hunt the area.  I first talk to the landowner, farmer, or person in charge of the property I plan to hunt. I ask if they have seen any predators/coyotes in the area. If the answer is "yes" I find out what they saw, when and where they saw them. I make note of this in a little notebook I carry with me.

Then I get on foot and start looking for "sign." I look for tracks, skat, dens, etc. Any piece of information I can find to show me proof that there are predators in the area. Once again I make note of what I see and where I see it. I also scan the area for a place I can call from when I come back to hunt. What direction the wind would need to be in when I hunt this particular area in relation to where I would expect the predator to come from (ditches, grassy areas, etc.).

I only call an area when the wind is crossing my calling position or the wind is directly in my face. In other words I want to be down wind or cross wind of the area where the predator will come from.

That concludes part one of my series on Coyote Calling Tips. So be sure you do some scouting before you go hunting. Look for sign that there are predators in the area to greatly increase your calling success.

If you are reading this article on an article directory, you can do a search on the directory for the rest of my coyote calling tips article series, or you can follow the link in my resource area below for more.

Good Luck and Great Hunting

Coyote Calling Tips - Part 1
Compound Saw

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