How To Paint A Wooden Boat

One of the great increasing mysteries of today's modern boatbuilding is the amount of hi-tech gobble-de-gook that the average home boat builder is expected to wade through when the time comes to paint the boat after the horrendous amount of sanding, fairing and hard work is (mostly) over and the fruits of your labour now require a shiny deep lustre that the painting now promises to bring. This part, to my mind at least, is one of the best parts of boatbuilding, the finish! (Well, at least the start of the finish!)

Compound Saw

Painting a boat used to be a reasonably simple task. All one needed was a fine dry day, one of Dad's paintbrushes, some turps, a roll of masking tape, a bit of pink primer left over from the decorating and a half gallon of shiny blue enamel paint from the local hardware store...they were the days!

Compound Saw

Not so today, my friends! The unsuspecting boat builder who toddles off to the local chandlery or superstore best be prepared for the very worst- not only will he (or she) face a huge financial onslaught on their wallet but a mind boggling array of hi-tech whiz wow balderdash that the (generally) uninformed shop assistant will proceed to throw in their general direction in the faint hope that you will give in under the stress and buy several litres of the latest polurethanicalslitheryaminomolecular goop that's just come in. For example, you'll be faced with trade names like 'Interlux Interthane coating'. I mean, come on, it sounds like a new space invaders game! This is bloody paint! There are many others but I'm sure you get the gist of what I'm saying.

Another example of the kind of thing that drives me nuts is that you can expect to buy several litres of a iso-cyanate two pack marine polyurethane paint only to be cheerfully told its illegal to spray it unless you have a proper licenced premises to do so, drone drone!! I suppose they have to make up new names to go with the new paint company policies of charging up to 0 a litre for some of these new fangled paints! What the hell have they discovered that's so expensive to put in this stuff? I was under the impression that paint was a few litres of linseed oil, turps, some drying agents and a few ounces of pigments for colour...can I really be so out of touch?


So, why do we paint wooden boats? Or any other boat for that matter? The first part of that question is easy. Boats look much smarter and better if they shine and gleam a bit... it's only human nature after all. The second part to that question is: We want to protect it. Ok, from what? Well, wood rots if you don't paint it, right? - wrong! Wood left to its own devices does not rot. Wood only rots as a result of its environment. There are multiple cases of how, plain untreated wood can last for centuries as long as it is in the correct environment. There are basically only a few elements that start wood rotting. Biological attack from spores, fungi, temperature, high humidity or total absorption, physical attack from marine borers and crustaceans that allow ingress to all the other elements aforementioned.

Don't let's forget that polluted waters can degrade timber to the point where it will rot....we'll add chemical attack to that list too. So, in view of all these very compelling reasons we protect our boat by painting it to coat it fully against these assaults.


The actual preparation of timber can cover a range of differing requirements. If your boat is a new build you won't have to go through many of the preparatory stages that an older boat may have to go through. With some forms of boatbuilding where a boat has been built by a different method such as strip planking or cold moulding, we paint the boat as if it were a fibreglass boat, due to the fact that either layers of fibreglass cover the timber or that the timber has been coated with epoxy that does not allow conventional paints to adhere to it properly. However, if we wish to protect bare timber then we use a different tack. Timber in its bare natural state has millions of thin hollow tubes running through it, constructed of cellulose in its natural form. We have to seal these tubes to prevent the ingress of water into them. Therefore we seal and coat the timber first of all.

The first thing we do is to clean and remove any loose and flaking or damaged paint plus any dirt that remains on the hull - sounds easy if you say it quick but it must be done! If necessary (and most times it is) degrease the hull using a proprietary paint degreaser after removing all dust preferably with a vacuum cleaner. Don't forget it won't be absolutely necessary to get all the hull back to bare wood just dry, clean, grease and dust free.


Obviously, not many timber craft are perfect on the outside. There are many blemishes, cracks, imperfections and splits both large and small to deal with by filling them and sanding them flush before priming the boat. It's a bit of a chore but time spent here will reward you with a boat that will certainly look better plus have a longer life. Some folks fill these holes and imperfections in timber with epoxy filler but it is not a good idea. Sometime later, for example, when the boat has to undergo a repair, it will be the very devil of a job to remove the epoxy from a fastening hole. It's best to use some kind of proper timber filler that dries hard and fast but is never that hard that it can't be removed later on. For example, painter's glazing compound is a fairly hard setting soft paste that can be quickly applied then sanded and painted satisfactorily. Carvel boats usually have their seams filled fair with a special seam compound AFTER the boat has been primed. Once the boat has been filled and faired smooth and all dust removed we are ready to put some actual paint on. Remember, the difference between a professional paint job and an amateur is the PREPARATION!


There are two schools of thought about treating bare timber with wood preservatives. I've heard stories that primers and paints don't adhere to many of them. In my case, I have never personally had that happen to me, so I am generally in favour of using them. Nevertheless, I am convinced that in many cases where the paint refuses to stick to timber is because the wood has not properly dried out after application. There is a definite percentage of humidity level that every timber has (and most of them differ slightly) where paint of any description simply won't stick. It can be up to fifteen per cent in some timbers. Above all, ensure that your timber is dry enough to allow any paint or filler to adhere to it. Remember too that salt deposits on timber will readily contain water and keep it damp.... if your boat was in salty water wash it off in fresh before commencing painting. When and only when, your timber preservative is dry the next stage is:


The first coat of primer to go onto your hull is metallic grey primer. It is a good primer to use because it is made up of millions of microscopic flat metal (aluminium) plates that lie on top of each other giving water a very hard time to pass though it...Pink primer for example, has circular molecules of substances therefore allowing water to ingress a lot quicker...fact! Grey primers also contain certain oils and most have anti-mould agents contained within (biocides to you and I) We put two coats of grey primer above the waterline and three, no less, below it.


There are a whole world of paint primers out there and confusion about their qualities are very common. For basic dry timbers, the grey metallic primers are good as previously explained. Also many oil-based primers from well-known companies are also very good and will do the job perfectly well. Hi-build primers however must be approached with caution and I must say that I have never personally got on too well with them. Most of them contain Titanium Dioxide (that's talcum powder to us lot) and even when it is fully cured can absorb copious amounts of moisture that can prevent really good paint adhesion. To avoid this only paint hi-build primers on good clear dry days and avoid excessive atmospheric humidity levels. Then, as soon as is possible apply the topcoats to seal them in. Note too, that hi-build primers are a soft type of paint and can suffer badly from scuffing over stony or shingly beaches and even when launching from boat trailers. When sanding these primers remember that huge clouds of white dust are released so be aware of where you sand and wear appropriate safety masks.


Once again, there are many types to choose from. Let's get the two- packs out of the way first. TWO-PACK POLYURETHANES have to be applied over a two-pack epoxy undercoat first of all. They have a fantastic finish and that's fine but you must be absolutely sure that the timber underneath is not going to move because the paint cures so hard that it can and will crack (strip plankers and cold moulded boats are your best bet here...apart of course from glass boats). The primary reason is that timber constructed boats move or 'work' as it is known. You may well get away with it if your timber boat has been glassed from new....not glassed over later as a preventative method to stop leaks. Rarely boats treated thus dry out properly and are still susceptible to movement as the timber inside the glass either rots because it was wet or it dries out too much and shrinks. Also boats that have been chined properly, that is, strips of timber glued in between the planks instead of being caulked, stand a reasonable chance of not moving.

Ok, what else? One pack or single pack polyurethane paints can be a good choice for a topcoat...they are almost as glossy and as durable as the two-packs but not quite! They are however, less expensive and far easier to apply than the two-packs... there are a multitude of them out there, so a bit of research is required plus your own personal choice...I'm not going to get involved in a slanging match about which ones are the best! However, remember most major well-known paint manufacturer's products are usually ok! It's your call!

So next on my list are marine enamels. Once again, it pays to remember that anything with MARINE in front of it is usually expensive...a good place to avoid in this quest is the large hardware chain stores that sport one or two paints in this category and I've fallen for it myself before now. It's the Name we are looking for!

Even with decent quality marine enamels some of the whites have been known to yellow with age and the way round this is to buy the off-white colours such as cream or buff. My last choice in Marine enamels proper, is a relative newcomer...a water-based enamel. I personally have never used any but I have heard some good reports and there has to be a few advantages with them, quick cleanup for one and you can even drink the thinners!

There are a few types of paint systems that are different to the abovementioned and as usual they probably will draw a lot of flack from those types that love writing to the editor for some reason or the other. Mainly I suspect, because something isn't quite conventional. Each of the following paints has their different uses and attributes.


Over the years the quality of house paint enamels has been increasing dramatically to the point where many yachties I know paint their boats with it. It's a bit softer (and definitely cheaper) than most single pack polyurethanes and some colours, mostly the darker hues, tend to fade earlier than others. However, the fact remains that they can be an excellent choice especially if you own a small boat and don't mind repainting it every couple of to buy, easy to apply!


A few years ago you wouldn't have dreamed of painting your boat with acrylic would have peeled off in great strips. That does not apply today however. My own boat, The NICKY J has been painted using Wattyl's Acrylic semi-gloss "CANE" and it is really amazing. I used gloss for the hull and semi-gloss for the decks over white epoxy primer single pack and it has been really good. Never once has it even looked like delaminating. I paint the boat once a year with a roller and it takes less than a day...and she's forty two feet long! It is yet another choice!

Well there's your main paint choices but I urge you to remember one thing...preparation is King... it will save you plenty of money in the long run, for sure.


There are of course, three main methods of applying your paints; Spraying, brushing and rollering. There's another that many people use, a combination of the last two, rolling and tipping, we'll deal with that one later.

Let's take a look at spraying. There are several pre-requisites for a decent spray job. These usually are a decent workshop complete with suction fans and half decent ventilation using good spray gear (cheapo underpowered stuff just doesn't cut the mustard) and most importantly, adequate and proper safety gear. There are always exceptions to the rule and there's one chap who works in Edge's boatyard outside in the weather and he does a fantastic job...imagine how much better he might be if he worked indoors!! You will also have to watch the weather, high humidity is not good and also where the overspray goes...not over anyone's car as is so often the case! A good excess of paint is lost and wasted in the process. If you have a driving need for you boat to look like your car then sprayings for you! Oh yeah, it quick(ish) too!

Brushing by hand can yield incredible results if you are patient and also know what you are doing. I've seen boats that at first glance look like they have been sprayed only to find out that they were hand painted by brush.......Dust free atmosphere and bloody good brushes (I mean expensive) are an absolute must here.

Last of all, rollering especially the 'roll and tip' method. This requires two people working together as a team. One rolls the paint on thinly and the other follows closely with a decent brush and 'tips' out the bubbles left behind by the roller - unbelievably good finishes can be obtained by this method.

A word of warning, no matter which method you use. Don't be tempted to retouch runs or sags in the paint or you will ruin the finish....wait until the paint has fully dried then deal with it! It's tempting but paint always seems to gel quicker than you would think!


There are many facets to the successful painting of a boat. We can't be good at all of them and you have to choose the method most suited to you own particular capabilities. A lot depends on the facilities that you have available at your disposal. Some people have the garden to work in others may have huge sheds and even access to a warehouse! I will say that a few basic rules apply to painting even the smallest boat. Often, too much, too clever or too sophisticated is often detrimental to what you are trying to achieve.

I have seen boats that cost twenty grand to paint and they were just really average...why? Wrong choice of painter, that's why. If you are going to choose a painter it's not a crime to ask him to show you some examples of his work. If he's any good there should be plenty...there are plenty of chancers and cowboys about, rest assured. All boats, every single one of them will need retouching or even a repaint within years. Just how long you get for your money is the trick. Unless you put your freshly painted boat in a museum or garage and lock it away you can bet that from day one, it will collect nicks, dings, scratches and scars, it's inevitable. Beware the painter who tells you, 'yes it will be ten grand, but it'll outlast you and me'. The need for repainting is directly proportional to how badly the boat is treated over the years. The only way of keeping your boat pristine and perfect is never to actually put it in that dirty old water once it's done! Be realistic about your own abilities and your expectations. Simple can be better in many cases.


This is interesting if not exactly exact! But it gets very close indeed. This is applicable to brushing and rolling only NOT spraying. There's a different formula for that and I don't know it!
ONE COAT = The boat's length overall x the beam x 0.85
Divided by square feet covered per litre listed on the paint can instructions.

If you can't work it out the paint manufacturer will tell you if you ring the company hotline.

Over the years, wooden boats have survived the elements in spite of very crude and primitive forms of paint. Many early vessels were simply daubed in pitch, bitumen, turps and beeswax. An early Thames barge had survived for over a hundred years in perfect condition as she was originally used as a bitumen tanker!! The dark brown shiny finish was the most perfect example of preserved wood that I have ever seen. One of the most interesting boats I ever saw was painted with fence paint...the owner reckoned he'd only ever painted it once in thirty years! Another old boat builder I knew once told me the secret of painting a wooden boat was to paint it with as many coats of paint that you could afford!

How To Paint A Wooden Boat
Compound Saw

Christmas Sales Makita LS1016 10-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw 201

Dec 27, 2011 17:27:12

Christmas Makita LS1016 10-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw Deals
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Makita LS1016 10-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Makita LS1016 10-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw <<

Christmas Sales Makita LS1016 10-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw Feature

  • Compact design with a patented 4-Steel Rail Sliding System further increases rigidity to produce superior cuts?
  • Exclusive 6 linear ball bearings deliver smooth, solid, and adjustment-free ?dead-on?accurate cuts.
  • Increased capacity for up to 6-5/8?crown molding (vertically nested), 4-3/4?baseboard (vertical), and 12?cross cuts at90º.
  • Innovative direct drive gearbox and guard system is engineered for increased vertical cutting capacity.
  • Miters 0º-52ºleft and 0º-60ºright, with positive stops at 0º, 15º, 22.5º, 31.6º, and 45º(left and right).

Christmas Sales Makita LS1016 10-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw Overview

The LS1016 has an innovative direct-drive gearbox and patented retractable guard system engineered for increased vertical cutting capacity. At 6-5/8 inches, the LS1016 has the largest crown molding cutting capacity (vertically nested) in its class. The patented retractable rear guard also provides the LS1016 with 4-3/4-inch baseboard cutting capacity (vertical) and a 12-inch capacity at 90 degrees. In addition, the exclusive six linear ball bearings deliver smooth, solid, and adjustment-free accurate cuts. The saw also has a patented 4-Steel Rail Sliding System that further increases rigidity to produce superior cuts, as the four steel rails provide less deflection. The result is a larger cutting capacity and more accuracy.

Christmas Sales Makita LS1016 10-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw Specifications

Makita changes the game with the new LS1016 10-Inch Dual Slide Miter Saw featuring a crown molding cutting capacity of 6-5/8 inches (vertically nested)--the largest in its class. It has a patented 4-Steel Rail Sliding System that increases rigidity to produce superior cuts, and the exclusive six linear ball bearings design allows for smooth, adjustment-free, accurate cuts.

Key Action Shot
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Feature 1Feature 2
Feature 3Feature 4
LS1016 Features
CAPACITY - 6-5/8-inch crown molding (vertically nested) and 4-3/4-inch baseboard (vertical) cutting capacity

ACCURACY - Exclusive six linear ball bearings deliver smooth, solid, adjustment-free, and accurate cuts

PRECISION - Designed with a patented 4-steel rail sliding system that increases rigidity to produce superior cuts

PORTABILITY - Less weight (53.1 pounds) and most compact design in its class for easy jobsite portability

INCLUDES - Blade, vertical vise, dust bag, triangular ruler, and socket wrench

Tool Specifications
Tool Spec
Blade Diameter10"
Crown Molding (nested)6-5/8"
Baseboard (vertical)4-3/4"
Max. Cutting Capacity (Miter Capacity) 90°2-13/16" x 12"
Max. Cutting Capacity 45° L/R2-13/16" x 8-1/2"
No Load Speed3,200 rpm
AMPS (120V)15
Size (L x W x H)28-1/4" x 25-1/4" x 26-1/2"
Net Weight53.1 lbs.
Large Cutting Capacity and Increased Accuracy
The LS1016 has an innovative direct-drive gearbox and patented retractable guard system engineered for increased vertical cutting capacity. At 6-5/8 inches, the LS1016 has the largest crown molding cutting capacity (vertically nested) in its class. The patented retractable rear guard also provides the LS1016 with 4-3/4-inch baseboard cutting capacity (vertical) and a 12-inch capacity at 90 degrees. In addition, the exclusive six linear ball bearings deliver smooth, solid, and adjustment-free accurate cuts. The saw also has a patented 4-Steel Rail Sliding System that further increases rigidity to produce superior cuts, as the four steel rails provide less deflection. The result is a larger cutting capacity and more accuracy.

Precise Miter and Bevel Cuts
The LS1016 has an exclusive 4-3/4-inch sliding fence system, with four sliding fences featuring upper and lower fence adjustments for more precise miter and bevel cuts in a variety of cutting applications. The saw miters 0 to 52 degrees left and 0 to 60 degrees right, with positive stops at 0, 15, 22.5, 31.6, and 45 degrees (left and right). The dual rear-handle bevel lock is easily accessible with adjustments from 0 to 45 degrees (left and right), with positive stops at 22.5, 33.9, and 45 degrees (left and right).

Precise adjustments are made easy with dual front bevel scales for improved visibility. The easy one-touch (push in & turn) miter lock system is designed for accurate adjustments and increased efficiency.

Ergonomic and Compact Design
In addition to the large cutting capacity, power, and accuracy, the LS1016 offers a range of convenient and ease-of-use features. The LS1016 has less weight and the most compact design in its class, so it's portable and easily transported. In addition, the patented 4-Steel Rail Sliding System requires 2-inches less rear space than competing dual sliding miter saws. The see-through blade guard system provides greater visibility of blade and line of cut and has a one-step blade change process for increased efficiency. The rubberized horizontal D-handle design has an ergonomic fit for added comfort, and the large trigger switch is designed for easy operation.

15 AMP Power for Smoother, Higher-Quality Cutting
The LS1016 has a 15 amp direct-drive gearbox motor that never slips, bogs down, or requires maintenance like belt-driven saws. The soft-start feature delivers smoother start-ups, and the electronic speed control maintains constant speed under load for smoother, higher-quality cutting.

Best in Class for a Range of Applications
The LS1016 is engineered for finish work, remodeling, trim work, and furniture making. It is ideal for a broad range of trades, including finish carpenters, professional woodworkers, case and base installers, cabinet installers, cabinet manufacturers, closet installers, decking and flooring applications, siding installers, stair installers, and general contractors seeking a superior 10-inch dual slide compound miter saw for the jobsite or on the benchtop. The LS1016 is just another example of Makita's commitment to innovative technology and best-in-class engineering.

DXT LogoAbout Makita Miter Saws with DXT
Makita's new miter saws with DXT (Deep and eXact Cutting Technology) are designed with an innovative direct-drive gearbox and patented retractable guard system engineered for large vertical cutting. In addition, the exclusive six linear ball bearings deliver smooth, solid, and adjustment-free "dead-on" accurate cuts. The saws also have a patented 4-Steel Rail Sliding System that further increases rigidity to produce superior cuts, as the four steel rails provide less deflection. The four steel rails also enable a more compact rear design than standard two-rail systems. Makita's new miter saws deliver a larger cutting capacity and more accuracy combined with a more compact rear design.

Makita LogoAbout Makita
Makita is a worldwide manufacturer of industrial-quality power tools and offers a wide range of industrial accessories. Makita applies leading-edge innovation to engineer power tools that are compact and energy efficient, yet deliver industrial-strength power and results. Makita USA, Inc. is located in La Mirada, California, and operates an extensive distribution network located throughout the U.S. For more information, please call 800/4-MAKITA (800/462-5482) or visit the website at Makita is Best-in-Class Engineering.

Every Makita tool is thoroughly inspected and tested before leaving the factory. If you are not satisfied with any Makita tool within 30 days of purchase, return it and Makita will provide a replacement or refund. Each Makita tool is warranted to be free of defects from workmanship and materials for the period of ONE YEAR from the date of original purchase. Should any trouble develop during this one-year period, return the COMPLETE tool, freight prepaid, to one of Makita's Factory or Authorized Service Centers. Please see for complete details.

What's in the Box
Makita LS1016 10-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw, 60T TCT saw blade, vertical vise, dust bag, triangular ruler, socket wrench, and hex wrench.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Makita LS1016 10-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw is cheap and shipping as well.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Makita LS1016 10-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw

Limited Offer Today!! Makita LS1016 10-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

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Resolving Customer Complaints and Conflict with the L-E-A-R-N Technique

Handling customer complaints is an important part of keeping your business healthy and profitable. If you want your customers and clients to come back again you must meet and exceed their expectations consistently. When that doesn't happen you end up with a complaint --- if you are lucky. A typical business hears from only 4% of its dissatisfied customers. The other 96% quietly go away and 91% of those will never return. A complaining customer is trying to help you understand where you failed to satisfy his or her expectation. In the restaurant industry when a customer leaves without expressing a complaint it is referred to as "silent customer's revenge." The owner never knows why the customer was unsatisfied --- so there is no way to correct the problem. A recent customer service study revealed that 68% of dissatisfied customers leave because of an attitude of indifference toward the customer by the business. How are you treating customers? If you are not sure you had better start asking.

Compound Saw

You should be thrilled and delighted that your client or customer cares enough about you and your business to take the time to complain. The good news is that 70% of complaining customers will do business with you again if you resolve the complaint in their favor. If you can resolve it instantly, 95% will do business with you again.

Compound Saw

After twenty-five years as a team development consultant I have developed a simple, straight-forward approach for handling customer complaints and conflict. It is known as the L.E.A.R.N. technique. Each letter of the word "learn" stands for a particular action. Kathenes suggests that a majority of business owners, customer service representatives, and even spouses fail to follow critical steps in resolving conflict and complaints. Here are a few easy steps to get to the root of the problem and to find out how to make that client or customer a "repeater."

LISTEN: Close your mouth and listen. DO NOT INTERRUPT!! Let him or her blow off steam, get it out, and, as psychologists and facilitators say -- "vent." Sometimes that's all they really need to do. The complaint they have may not be the real problem. It may have been the spark that created the fury.

EMPATHIZE: Put yourself in their shoes. Take time to understand just how they feel. Then let them know that you understand their feelings. Empathize ---do not sympathize. There is a difference. If you saw a man ready to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge you can empathize or sympathize. If you sympathize, you tell him how sorry you feel for him and try to talk him down. If you empathize, you really feel how he feels, so you either jump with him or you push him off. Actually, by understanding how your customer feels and letting them know that you understand their point of view, you rebuild the rapport critical to good service. That does not necessarily mean that you agree with them. It does however let them know that you care and understand their point of view.

ASK: Ask them what they would like done. Great negotiators always know what the other person wants. The only way to find out is to ask. You will usually discover that they want far less than you thought they wanted.

REASSURE: Reassure them that you will do what you can to resolve the problem. Sometimes resolving the problem is beyond your control, but you can do a great deal for the business relationship if you genuinely try to solve the problem. You do not have to commit to making any changes, but your customer or client must know that you do wish to fix the problem.

NEVER FORGET TO FOLLOW-UP: If you drop the ball, you compound the problem. Pick a specific date for resolution, or when you will respond. Then stick to it.

It takes about 6 times more effort and money to get a new customer than it does to retain an existing one. By looking at complaints as an opportunity to build a stronger relationship with clients and customers, you build your business on satisfaction and service. For many businesses, service is its only competitive edge. Let customers know you care and want to hear the bad news as well as the good. It will put you light years a head of your competition.

Resolving Customer Complaints and Conflict with the L-E-A-R-N Technique
Compound Saw

Christmas Sales Makita LS1016LX 10-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw with Laser and Stand 201

Dec 26, 2011 21:11:32

Christmas Makita LS1016LX 10-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw with Laser and Stand Deals
Click for larger image and other views

Makita LS1016LX 10-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw with Laser and Stand

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Makita LS1016LX 10-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw with Laser and Stand <<

Christmas Sales Makita LS1016LX 10-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw with Laser and Stand Feature

  • Largest crown molding cutting capacity in its class.
  • Compact design with a patented 4-Steel Rail Sliding System further increases rigidity to produce superior cuts.
  • Exclusive 6 linear ball bearings deliver smooth, solid, and adjustment-free "dead-on" accurate cuts.
  • Increased capacity for up to 6-5/8" crown molding (vertically nested), 4-3/4" baseboard (vertical), and 12" cross cuts at 90º.
  • Innovative direct drive gearbox and guard system is engineered for increased vertical cutting capacity.

Christmas Sales Makita LS1016LX 10-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw with Laser and Stand Overview

The Makita LS1016LX 10-Inch Dual-Slide Compound Miter Saw has several features that ensure smooth and accurate cuts every time.  A built-in laser to indicate the line of cut allows for even more precise cutting.  The LX1016LX also comes with a rolling, foldable saw stand, making it easy to move the saw or take it with you to jobsites.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Makita LS1016LX 10-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw with Laser and Stand is cheap and shipping as well.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Makita LS1016LX 10-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw with Laser and Stand

Limited Offer Today!! Makita LS1016LX 10-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw with Laser and Stand Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

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Biology Experiments for Teachers - Enzymes: Catalase

Safety. Although the hazards in the following experiments are negligible, you are advised to consult the latest edition of 'Safeguards in the School Laboratory' published by The Association for Science Education ( before embarking on any experiment.

Compound Saw

Outline. Catalase is an enzyme which occurs in the cells of many living organisms. Certain of the energy-releasing reactions in the cell produce hydrogen peroxide as an end-product. This compound, which is toxic to the cell, is split to water and oxygen by the action of catalase. 2H2O2 = 2H2O + O2

Compound Saw

Samples of liver and yeast are dropped into hydrogen peroxide. Oxygen is evolved and the student is asked to extend the experiment to try and decide if an enzyme in the tissues is responsible. The experiments and the questions take about one hour.

Prior knowledge. The existence of inorganic catalysts; enzymes denatured on boiling; oxygen relights a glowing splint.

Advance preparation and materials - per group

20 volume hydrogen peroxide 50 cm3


liver, about 1 cm cube

distilled water 20 cm3

dried yeast about 1 g

clean sand about 1 g

activated charcoal granules, about 1 g

Apparatus - per group

test-tube rack and 4 test-tubes

forceps or seeker for pushing liver into test-tube

4 labels or spirit marker

filter funnel

Bunsen burner

filter paper

test-tube holder

mortar and pestle


The investigation below is a fairly critical examination of plant and animal tissues to see if
they contain catalase.

(a) Label three test-tubes 1-3.

(b) Pour about 20 mm (depth) hydrogen peroxide into each tube.

(c) Cut the liver into 3 pieces.

(d) To tube 1 add a small piece of liver, and to tube 2 add a pinch of dried yeast.

(e) Insert a glowing splint into tubes 1 and 2, bringing it close to the liquid surface or into the upper part of the froth.

1 Describe what you saw happening and the effect on the glowing splint.

2 How do you interpret these observations?

3 Is there any evidence from this experiment so far, to indicate whether the gas is coming from the hydrogen peroxide or from the solid?

4 Is there any evidence at this stage that an enzyme is involved in the production of gas in this reaction?

(f) In tube 3 place a few granules of charcoal and observe the reaction.

5 Could charcoal be an enzyme? Explain your answer.

6 Assuming (i) that the gas in (f) is the same as before and (ii) that the charcoal is almost pure carbon, does the result with charcoal help you to decide on the source of the gas in this and the previous experiments?

(g) Suppose the hypothesis is advanced that there is an enzyme in the liver and yeast, which decomposes hydrogen peroxide to oxygen and water; design and carry out a control experiment to test this hypothesis.

7 Record (i) the experiment, (ii) the reasons which led you to conduct it, (iii) the observed
results and (iv) your conclusions.

(h) Wash out the test-tubes. Design and carry out an experiment to see if the supposed enzyme in the plant and animal material can be extracted and still retain its properties. The experiment should include a control.

8 Describe briefly your procedure, your results and your conclusions.

9 Assuming that liver and yeast each contain an enzyme which splits hydrogen peroxide, is there any evidence to show that it is the same enzyme? What would have to be done to find this out for certain?

Discussion - answers

1 Effervescence should be observed in each case but it is more vigorous with yeast than with liver. The glowing splint should relight.

2 Oxygen is being produced.

3 There is no evidence to indicate whether the liquid or solid is giving the gas. If the students think that a solid is unlikely to give off a gas they could be reminded of marble and hydrochloric acid in which it is the solid producing the carbon dioxide. It seems less likely, however, that yeast and liver would both give off oxygen when treated with hydrogen peroxide, than that hydrogen peroxide should give oxygen when treated with diverse substances.

4 So far, there is no evidence of an enzyme being involved.

5 A gas will come off but not sufficiently rapidly to relight a glowing splint. Charcoal could not
be an enzyme because (a) it is an element and (b) it has been produced by very high temperatures that would destroy enzymes.

6 Charcoal, as an element, could not be giving off oxygen. The gas must be coming from the
hydrogen peroxide.

7 (i) The experiment should involve boiling the tissues and then putting them into hydrogen peroxide.
(ii) If an enzyme is involved,
(iii) no gas will be produced.

8 The student should grind the samples with a little sand and distilled water, filter and test the filtrate with hydrogen peroxide. Oxygen will be evolved with a vigour proportional to that witnessed when the original substances were tested.

The student should boil half of each extract and show that it loses its activity.

9 There seems no fundamental reason why yeast and liver should not have different enzymes which catalyse the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. To be certain on this point, the enzymes would have to be extracted and their chemical composition determined.

Biology Experiments for Teachers - Enzymes: Catalase
Compound Saw

Christmas Sales Makita LS1216LX 12-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw with Laser and Stand 201

Dec 26, 2011 00:58:47

Christmas Makita LS1216LX 12-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw with Laser and Stand Deals
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Makita LS1216LX 12-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw with Laser and Stand

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Makita LS1216LX 12-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw with Laser and Stand <<

Christmas Sales Makita LS1216LX 12-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw with Laser and Stand Feature

  • 4-steel rail sliding system and 6 linear ball bearings deliver adjustment-free dead-on cuts
  • Exclusive 5-1/2-inch tall dual sliding fence system features upper and lower fence adjustment
  • Independent micro fine laser with on/off switch indicates line of cut left or right of blade
  • Includes 5-position jobsite miter stand with 9-foot material extensions for easy jobsite portability
  • Cuts 8-inch crown molding (vertically nested), 6-1/2-inch baseboard (vertical), 15-inch crosscuts at 90 degrees

Christmas Sales Makita LS1216LX 12-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw with Laser and Stand Overview

The Makita LS1216LX combines the LS1216L 12-inch dual slide miter saw and the largest crosscutting and crown cutting capacity in its class with the convenience and mobility of Makita's jobsite miter saw stand. The LS1216L miter saw has a patented 4-steel rail sliding system that further increases rigidity to produce superior cuts, and an exclusive 6 linear ball bearing design for smooth, adjustment-free, "dead-on" accurate cuts. The LS1216LX miter saw and stand is ideal for jobsite use, as well as high-production/manufacturing settings.

Christmas Sales Makita LS1216LX 12-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw with Laser and Stand Specifications

The Makita LS1216LX combines the LS1216L 12" dual slide miter saw and the largest crosscutting and crown cutting capacity in its class with the convenience and mobility of Makita's jobsite miter saw stand. The LS1216L miter saw has a patented 4-Steel Rail Sliding System that further increases rigidity to produce superior cuts, and an exclusive 6 linear ball bearing design for smooth, adjustment-free, "dead-on" accurate cuts. The LS1216LX miter saw and stand is ideal for jobsite use, as well as high-production/manufacturing settings.

key action shot

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LS1216LX Features
CAPACITY - 8" crown molding (vertically nested) and 6-1/2", baseboard (vertical) and 15" crosscut at 90°
ACCURATE - Exclusive 6 linear ball bearings and 4-steel rail system deliver maintenance-free "dead-on" accurate cuts
VERSATILITY - 5-1/2" tall fence system features upper and lower fence adjustments for more precise cuts
DURABILITY - Powerful 15 AMP direct drive motor requires less maintenance than belt-driven saws
INCLUDES - Blade, dust bag, vertical clamp, wrench, triangle, and stand

Tool Specifications
tool spec action shot
Blade diameter12"
Crown molding (nested)8"
Baseboard (vertical)6-1/2"
Max. cutting capacity (90°)3-5/8" x 15"
Max. cutting capacity (45° L/R )3-5/8" x 10-1/2"
No-load speed3,200 RPM
Dimensions (LxWxH)31-3/4" x 25-1/4" x 28-3/8"
Net weight
(saw and stand)
135.4 lbs.
Large Cutting Capacity, Increased Accuracy
The LS1216L will crosscut boards up to 15" wide at 90°, right out of the box with no special setup required. It has an innovative direct drive gearbox and patented retractable guard system engineered for increased vertical cutting capacity and the largest crown molding cutting capacity (8" vertically nested) in its class. The patented retractable rear guard also provides 6-1/2" baseboard cutting capacity (vertical). In addition, the exclusive 6 linear ball bearings deliver smooth, solid and adjustment-free "dead-on" accurate cuts. The saw also has a patented 4-Steel Rail Sliding System that further increases rigidity to produce superior cuts, as the four steel rails provide less deflection. The result is a larger cutting capacity and more accuracy.

Precise Miter and Bevel Cuts
The LS1216L has an exclusive 5-1/2" tall sliding fence system, with four sliding fences featuring upper and lower fence adjustments for more precise miter and bevel cuts to accommodate a variety of cutting applications. The saw miters 0° to 52° left and 0° to 60° right, with positive stops at 0°, 15°, 22.5°, 31.6°, and 45° (left and right). The dual rear-handle bevel lock is easily accessible with adjustments 0° to 45° (left and right), with positive stops at 0°, 22.5°, 33.9°, and 45° (left and right). Precision adjustments are made easier with dual front bevel scales for improved visibility. The easy one-touch (push in and turn) miter lock system is designed for accurate adjustments and increased efficiency. For more precise cuts, a built-in laser indicates the line of cut, whether the blade is turning or not, and also includes an on/off switch and microadjustments for precise "left-of-blade" or "right-of-blade" cutting.

Ease-of-Use Features
In addition to the large cutting capacity, power, and accuracy, the LS1216L offers a range of conveniences and ease-of-use features. The LS1216L has a patented 4-Steel Rail Sliding System that requires less rear space than competitor dual sliding miter saws. The see-through blade guard system provides greater visibility of blade and line of cut, and has a one-step blade change process for increased efficiency. The ergonomic rubberized horizontal D-handle design has a better fit and added comfort, and the large trigger switch is designed for easier operation.

15 AMP Power for Smoother, Higher-Quality Cutting
The LS1216L has a 15 AMP direct gear box motor that never slips, bogs down, or requires maintenance like belt-driven saws. The soft start feature delivers smoother startups, and the Electronic Speed Control maintains constant speed under load for smoother, higher-quality cutting. The LS1216LX includes the Makita Jobsite Miter Saw Stand. The stand adjusts to five positions with a spring-loaded mechanism for quick and easy setups in seconds. It also includes a large platform base and 9' material support extensions with feed roller to support long crown molding. The stand is equipped with a large rubberized handle and solid rubber 12" wheels for easy jobsite portability.

Best in Class for a Range of Applications
The LS1216LX is engineered for precision tasks in woodworking shops, as well as for cutting large materials like 4" x 16" beams and wide boards up to 15". It is ideal for a broad range of tradespeople, including finish carpenters, professional woodworkers, case and base installers, cabinet installers, cabinet manufacturers, closet installers, decking and flooring professionals, siding installers, stair installers, and general contractors seeking a best-in-class 12" dual slide compound miter saw and stand for the jobsite or high-production/manufacturing setting.

About Makita's Miter Saws with DXT
dxt logoMakita's new miter saws with DXT (Deep and eXact Cutting Technology) are designed with an innovative direct drive gearbox and patented retractable guard system that are engineered for large vertical cutting. In addition, the exclusive 6 linear ball bearings deliver smooth, solid and adjustment-free "dead-on" accurate cuts. The saws also have a patented 4-Steel Rail Sliding System that further increases rigidity to produce superior cuts, as the four steel rails provide less deflection. The four steel rails also enable a more compact rear design than standard two-rail systems. Makita's new miter saws deliver a larger cutting capacity and more accuracy combined with a more compact rear design.

makita logoAbout Makita
Makita is a worldwide manufacturer of industrial-quality power tools, and it offers a wide range of industrial accessories. Makita applies leading-edge innovation to engineer power tools that are more compact and energy efficient, yet deliver industrial-strength power and results. Makita U.S.A., Inc. is located in La Mirada, California, and operates an extensive distribution network located throughout the U.S. For more information, please call 800-4-MAKITA (800-462-5482) or visit Makita is Best in Class Engineering.

What's in the Box
Makita LS1216L 12-inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw, 60T TCT Saw Blade, Vertical Vise, Dust Bag, Triangular Rule, Wrench and Stand.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Makita LS1216LX 12-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw with Laser and Stand is cheap and shipping as well.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Makita LS1216LX 12-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw with Laser and Stand

Limited Offer Today!! Makita LS1216LX 12-Inch Dual Slide Compound Miter Saw with Laser and Stand Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Compressor Combo Kit 720P Lcd Tv Black & Decker 18 Volt Drill

Shed Floors and Foundations - What Types to Use For Your Outdoor Storage Shed

When you buy an outdoor storage shed, you often look at price, quality and type of materials used for the shed, and how long the shed will last. Other things that are sometimes considered include maintenance requirements, and accessories available.

Compound Saw

Not everyone thinks about floors and foundations for their outdoor sheds though, and some people are surprised to find out after the fact that most sheds don't come with a floor. Instead, you're expected to choose and install or build your own foundation for the shed before putting it into place.

Compound Saw

Now creating foundations and floors for outdoor storage sheds is not too difficult, but you do need to know how you're going to use the shed so you'll install the proper flooring for it.

If you're simply putting an outdoor storage shed in place to use as a generic storage room for seasonal items or family keepsakes, you can simply use bare ground for your shed flooring. Keep in mind however, that the ground is dirty of course, but it can also become wet. If your storage items are in simple cardboard boxes, things could be ruined by weather changes, and mice or bugs getting into the storage shed through the ground.

So if you plan to use a bare ground floor for your shed, be sure you're storing your belongings in solid plastic and waterproof containers and bins. It's also best to locate your shed somewhere in the yard where there is a slight rise to the ground, so water will not collect on the floor.

A better flooring option for outdoor storage sheds is to create a simple concrete foundation. This can be done using poured concrete or by placing concrete blocks side by side. Make the concrete foundation approximately one foot larger than the shed on all sides, to be sure water is not able to get in under the edges.

Another popular shed flooring material is wood. A wooden platform can be easily built using standard two by fours, and the shed simply sits down on and attaches to this platform. Like the concrete base though, be sure to build your flooring at least one foot larger than the shed on all sides.

Shed Floors and Foundations - What Types to Use For Your Outdoor Storage Shed
Compound Saw

Christmas Sales Hitachi C10FSH 10-Inch Sliding Compound Miter Saw with Laser 201

Dec 25, 2011 04:36:28

Christmas Hitachi C10FSH 10-Inch Sliding Compound Miter Saw with Laser Deals
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Hitachi C10FSH 10-Inch Sliding Compound Miter Saw with Laser

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Hitachi C10FSH 10-Inch Sliding Compound Miter Saw with Laser <<

Christmas Sales Hitachi C10FSH 10-Inch Sliding Compound Miter Saw with Laser Feature

  • Powerful 10-inch sliding dual compound miter saw with adjustable laser marker, electronic speed control, and soft start to reduce noise and recoil
  • 12 amp motor; 3,800 rpm; 10 positive stops for quick settings; pivoting fence to support the work piece
  • Stainless steel detent plate; carbide blade
  • Includes saw, TCT saw blade, 10-millimeter box wrench, dust bag
  • 20-3/4 by 41-1/2 by 24-1/4 inches; 43 pounds; 5-year warranty

Christmas Sales Hitachi C10FSH 10-Inch Sliding Compound Miter Saw with Laser Overview

The Hitachi C10FSH 10-Inch Sliding Dual Compound Miter Saw with Laser Marker provides smooth, accurate miters and crosscuts in a variety of workpieces, including wood, plywood, decorative panels, soft fiberboard, hard board, and aluminum sashes. An ideal tool for trim carpenters, framers, and woodworkers who demand precision and reliability, the C10FSH offers professional-grade performance with its laser marker, dual-bevel cutting action, soft start function, electric brake feature, electronic speed control, and more.

C10FSH Compound Miter Saw
Tool Specifications
No-Load Speed3,800 RPM
Blade Diameter10"
Arbor Size5/8"
Bevel Angle Range
(R & L)
Bevel Stops (R & L) 0° and 45°
Miter Angle RangeRight 0°-57°
Left 0°-45°
Miter Detent Stops
(R & L)
0°, 15°, 22.5°,
31.6° and 45°
Tool Height24-1/4"
Weight43 lbs

The carbon brush and dust-collector bag keep the saw working for the long term.

Make extremely precise cuts with the help of the laser guide. View larger.

Adjust the bevel up to 45 degrees to the left or right. View larger.

Miter scale and thumb-actuated miter stops facilitate simple adjustments at the most common angles. View larger.
Powerful Motor Provides Smooth, Accurate Cuts
The C10FSH Sliding Dual Compound Miter Saw features a powerful 12-amp motor that generates a no-load speed of up to 3,800 RPM for easily making crosscuts and miters in even the toughest workpieces. The electronic speed control ensures consistent RPM throughout the cut, so you get smooth, precise, controlled cuts each and every time.

Additionally, the C10FSH utilizes a Poly-V-Belt transmission rather than a traditional gear transmission. This soft start technology allows the saw to operate smoothly and quietly and reduces recoils during startup.

Compound Feature for Precise Miters and Bevels
Hitachi designed the C10FSH for versatile, easy use. The thumb-actuated positive miter stops allow for simple miter adjustments at the most common angles: 15.0, 22.5, 31.6, and 45.0 degrees to the right or left. The tool also features a 57-degree miter angle to the right and a 45-degree miter angle to the left for maximum flexibility. Additionally, a white-on-black miter scale provides superior visibility, allowing you to easily adjust the angle of the cutting blade for creating miters in crown molding and other trim pieces.

And with a bevel range of 45 degrees to the left and right, you can quickly and easily flip the saw blade while leaving your material in place. To save you even more time, bevel stops to the right and left are conveniently located at zero and 45 degrees.

The 10-inch TCT saw blade (included) makes easy work of trim and other woodwork, and the linear ball-bearing slide system and adjustable pivot fence allow for accurate cutting of large workpieces over 12 inches deep.

Laser Marker Technology for Perfect Cuts Everytime
Hitachi equipped the C10FSH with its exclusive Laser Marker System, which can be activated before the blade is in motion for exact alignment and predictable blade placement. The laser marker is easily adjustable to suit your preferences, simply line up the laser with your mark on the workpiece, and the saw blade will make an exact cut along the laser guide. As long as your measurements are right, your cuts will be, too!

Chock-Full of User-Friendly Features
The C10FSH contains plenty of features to help you make the perfect cut the first time. To start, a splinter guard behind the fence increases safety and reduces tear-out for clean, finished cuts. A patented, fully adjustable chip deflector also prevents tear out, aligns the cutting line, and provide zero-clearance support.

For further refinement, a large table provides a stable guide and sturdy support, a built-in clamping system holds your workpiece in place, a comfortable vertical handle with a vibration-reducing elastomer grip keeps you in control, and an electric brake feature quickly halts the blade to prevent unintended cuts.

The C10FSH also includes a dust collector that minimizes accumulation of dust and particles in your both your workspace and the saw's interior components, keeping your jobsite clean and prolonging the life of the tool. An added bonus, easily accessible carbon brushes will help your saw perform for the long term.

Durably built, this tool is backed with an industry-leading five-year warranty. It is compatible with Hitachi's UU610 Universal Work Station.

About Hitachi: A Tradition of Innovation
Hitachi Power Tools (Hitachi Koki USA, Ltd.) provides professional-grade power tools for a variety of applications, including woodwork, metalwork, concrete, drilling, cutting, and fastening. Hitachi is a leader in power tool research and development and has achieved many firsts in the power tool industry, including creating the first-ever sliding compound miter saw to combine the capacity of a radial arm saw and the convenience of a miter saw. Today, Hitachi continues the tradition of innovation and engineering with new features in addition to classic quality.

What's in the Box
C10FSH 10-Inch Sliding Compound Miter Saw with Laser Marker, 10-inch TCT saw blade, box wrench, dust bag.

Linear ball-bearing slide system helps you cut large workpieces.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Hitachi C10FSH 10-Inch Sliding Compound Miter Saw with Laser is cheap and shipping as well.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Hitachi C10FSH 10-Inch Sliding Compound Miter Saw with Laser

Limited Offer Today!! Hitachi C10FSH 10-Inch Sliding Compound Miter Saw with Laser Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Blu Ray Player

Whittling - So You Want to Whittle Wood

Whittling has been around for many hundreds of years. All the way back to the days of cavemen. One could say that it is because we began to whittle that technology began. It was the shaping of wood, after all-after the discovery of sharp edges-that sparked human imagination to make carts, cooking implements and clothes, weapons for hunting and methods of food gathering. Who would've thought?

Compound Saw

So you want to whittle wood. Good for you. Whittling is the simple removal of pare shavings or cutting small bits from a piece of wood with a knife. No more, no less. So what does it take to become a good whittler?

Compound Saw

To become a good whittler, you'll need to know several things. How to choose the correct type of wood for a particular type of knife is what you'll need to know. You'll want to know some basic whittling techniques and just a bit about maintenance and storage.

Choosing the Wood.

- Soft woods are best for whittling. Pine cuts very easily but isn't able to hold detail well. Basswood and Balsa are also very popular.

- Birch, cedar and maple aren't considered to be soft woods but they are often used for whittling.

- When selecting wood for whittling, rely on two things: a straight grain and uniform color. A straight grain is usually a softer wood than crossed grains. Because changes in color usually mean changes in hardness, you'll want to avoid this. When all else fails, press down on the wood with your thumbnail and rely on that to tell you how hard it is.

- If whittling wood is difficult to purchase, you could check your local lumberyard for a scrap bin. You just might find a treasure trove.

Choosing the Knife. There is no one specific type or brand of knife that is best for whittling. Mostly, it's a matter of comfort.

- Avoid stainless steel knives. It isn't easy to sharpen them correctly. Even when you do, they usually can't hold a very sharp edge for too long. This is very inefficient and entirely avoidable.

- Most whittlers like small knives that fit in the palm of your hand. Others like pocket knives, switchblade knives or folding knives (with lockable blades) that can be opened with one hand. Comfort and portability rule.

- Special whittling knives have short plump handles that give you an easier grip and better control. And because whittling involves extended periods, this is really great for precision and control.

- You can find whittling knives is special kits. These kits may have several knives, each with a different edge shape. Or the kit might have a knife handle and several differently shaped blade edges that are interchangeable. Different edges allow for much better maneuverability.

- When you're ready to buy one, shop around. Test them out. Don't rush this process. It'll make all the difference when you're ready to begin.

Safety Tips.

- You'll be working with a small piece of wood and a small knife. First thing then is the knife. It should be balanced and have light weight. More than anything else, it must be comfortable in your hand. If it doesn't feel right in any way, keep looking.

- Wear gloves. Think of it this way, if you cut your hands or fingers, you're done. You won't be able to whittle at all until it heals. Wear them, at least until you've developed some real skill at handling the knife.

- Be in a good frame of mind. Or at least a reasonably good frame of mind. If you are the type of person who becomes aggressive when upset, it's probably not a good idea to whittle at that time. (Imagine losing a finger!)

Basic Whittling Techniques. It goes without saying but you've got to be sure. Keep fingers and all other body parts away from knife edges. Take no chances.

- When gripping your knife, your thumb should be against the spine with the edge facing your fingers.

- Each knife stroke you make should be away from your body. Never stroke towards your body. You know you're just asking for it.

- The hand holding the knife should be further from your body than the hand holding the piece of wood.

- Lock your wrists for better control.

- Tuck your elbows into your sides to limit free movement.

Whittling Recommendations.

- Use a wide-beveled knife edge to cut soft wood or semi-soft wood. Conversely, use a narrow-beveled knife edge to cut hardwood. When you need a strong edge to cut hardwood, the more narrow the bevel, the stronger the cutting edge.

- When you're done for the day, clean and dry your knives. A light coating of lubricant is recommended for your knife blades. Linseed oil is recommended for your wood handles. Take care of your knives and they could last your lifetime.

- If your knives don't already have a case, store them in a way that protects their edges. Be sure that wherever they are, it's safe and secure. Only you should be able to get to them.

- If you decide to use more tools than just a knife, you'll be entering the world of detailed wood carving. Just clarifying that for you.

Sharpening Your Knife.

- Factory-made whittling knives are often unsharpened. This is preferable to a sharpened knife because dedicated whittlers prefer to make their own sharpening angles.

- You can use any of various coarse grade sharpening stones or a ceramic steel to create the cutting angles.

- A diamond slipstone or a diamond pocket file are great portables for times when you're on the go. Or you can use them for quick touch-ups on your edges.

- You'll need a strop to remove the burr and all micro-bits from a properly sharpened knife. This improves the whittling process and delays further sharpening. If you prefer, a honing compound and honing board will also get that edge smooth.

- If you haven't learned how to sharpen a knife and maintain its edge, these are among the first things you should learn. You'll be more independent and as efficient as possible.

Whittling is an ancient craft. It's wonderfully contemplative and could even be spiritually meditative. It is the journey that matters more than the end result. If you have no care to rush, if you want to take your time and see what happens, what're you waiting for?

Whittling - So You Want to Whittle Wood
Compound Saw

Christmas Sales Makita LS1040 10-Inch Compound Miter saw 201

Dec 24, 2011 08:26:19

Christmas Makita LS1040 10-Inch Compound Miter saw Deals
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Makita LS1040 10-Inch Compound Miter saw

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Makita LS1040 10-Inch Compound Miter saw <<

Christmas Sales Makita LS1040 10-Inch Compound Miter saw Feature

  • Features powerful 15 amp motor and dual post compound pivoting arm
  • Provides a large capability with cuts 52 degrees right and 47 degrees left with 9 positive stops at 15, 22-1/2, 30, 45 degrees left or right and 0 degrees
  • Durably designed with a machined aluminum base, dual aluminum base, dual slide rails and a carbide tip blade
  • Saw includes vertical vise, blade, wrench and triangular rule
  • Covered by 1-Year warranty

Christmas Sales Makita LS1040 10-Inch Compound Miter saw Overview

Makita's LS1040 10-Inch Compund Miter Saw combines power, performance, and ease of use for common miter cuts, including a range of applications in woodworking, cabinetry, deck building, framing, and more.

Key Action Shot
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Feature 1Feature 2
Feature 3Feature 4
LS1040 Features
PERFORMANCE - Powerful 15 amp direct-drive motor and 4,600 rpm for improved performance

CAPACITY - Miter cuts 0° - 45° left and 0° - 52° right; 9 positive stops for common miter cuts

ACCURACY - Dual post compound pivot arm, bevel cuts up to 45° to the left

PORTABILITY - Weighs only 27.3 pounds

INCLUDES - C.T. blade, vertical vise, wrench, triangular ruler, and dust bag

Tool Specifications
Tool Spec
Blade Diameter10"
Max. Cutting Capacity (Bevel/Miter) 90°/90°2-3/4" x 5-1/8"
Max. Cutting Capacity 45°/45°1-3/8" x 3-5/8"
No Load Speed4,600 rpm
AMPS (120V)15
Dimensions (L x W x H)20-7/8" x 18-3/4" x 21"
Net Weight27.3 lbs.
15 AMP Motor for Improved Performance
The LS1040 has a dynamically balanced 15 amp direct-drive motor with 4,600 rpm for improved performance and is engineered to never slip or bog down like belt-drive units. The electronic speed control maintains constant speed under load, and the soft-start technology is engineered for smooth start-ups.

Precise Miter and Bevel Cuts
The LS1040 has a dual post compound pivot arm with bevel cuts up to 45 degrees to the left. Miter adjustments range from 0 to 45 degrees left and 0 to 52 degrees right, with 9 positive miter stops at 15, 22.5, 30, and 45 degrees (left or right), and 0 degree (90-degree cuts). The engineered aluminum base ensures accurate cuts. Ease-of-use and comfort features include a fluorescent light that works independently of the blade rotation to clearly illuminate the work surface and a compact size (weighs only 27.3 pounds) for easy portability.

Best in Class for a Range of Applications
The LS1040 is engineered for a broad range of trades, including finish carpenters, professional woodworkers, case and base installers, cabinet installers, decking and flooring applications, siding installers, and general contractors seeking a superior 10-inch compound miter saw for the jobsite or the benchtop. The LS1040 is just another example of Makita's commitment to innovative technology and best-in-class engineering.

About Makita Saws
Cut after cut, Makita saws deliver power, performance, and capacity with less weight and more ease-of-use features. Makita has a full range of corded and cordless saws and blades for cutting wood, metal, and masonry, including table saws, miter saws, reciprocating saws, circular saws, jig saws, metal cutting saws, plunge saws, and more, as well as a complete line of blades and accessories.

Makita LogoAbout Makita
Makita is a worldwide manufacturer of industrial-quality power tools and offers a wide range of industrial accessories. Makita applies leading-edge innovation to engineer power tools that are compact and energy efficient, yet deliver industrial-strength power and results. Makita U.S.A., Inc. is located in La Mirada, California, and operates an extensive distribution network located throughout the U.S. For more information, please call 800/4-MAKITA (800/462-5482) or visit Makita is Best-in-Class Engineering.

Every Makita tool is thoroughly inspected and tested before leaving the factory. If you are not satisfied with any Makita tool within 30 days of purchase, return it and Makita will provide a replacement or refund. Each Makita tool is warranted to be free of defects from workmanship and materials for the period of ONE YEAR from the date of original purchase. Should any trouble develop during this one-year period, return the COMPLETE tool, freight prepaid, to one of Makita's Factory or Authorized Service Centers. Please see for complete details.

What's in the Box
Makita LS1040 10-Inch Compound Miter Saw, 10-inch C.T. blade, vertical vise, wrench, triangular ruler, and dust bag.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Makita LS1040 10-Inch Compound Miter saw is cheap and shipping as well.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Makita LS1040 10-Inch Compound Miter saw

Limited Offer Today!! Makita LS1040 10-Inch Compound Miter saw Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

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